
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives


Your Larder


Your Larder First of all, what is a larder? Well, it’s not a pantry. A pantry is, historically speaking, where bread was kept and where preparation of foods associated with bread was done. While we’re on a roll with vernacular, alcoholic beverages were stored in the buttery (“butts” of barrels) and cooking was done in… Read More

Roasted Tomatillo Relish


I love this relish, but then again, I love cilantro. If you’re one of the many people who think it tastes like soap, then substitute parsley or a combination of parsley and basil. This is wonderful on fish or chicken, or your favorite meat or non-meat burger. Try it on your eggs for breakfast! You… Read More

Salads, Salads, Everywhere…


It’s 94 degrees today. Needless to say that salads are the way to go! A lovely fruit salad for breakfast, and a green salad for a later lunch- too hot to be very hungry. Do remember that every color fruit and veggie has a different phytonutrient profile, so be sure to add lots of colors!… Read More

A lovely Chai Ginger Drink


This recipe offers a wonderful Chai flavor. The photo is of rooibos tea. Enjoy! Chai Ginger Shake Serves 1 1 cup warm brewed rooibos tea 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon allspice 2 teaspoons ground ginger or 1-2 tablespoon freshly squeezed ginger juice 1/2 cup almond or coconut milk 2 tablespoons almond butter Coconut nectar, raw… Read More