
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

‘Other Aspects of Health’

Microsurgery Program at The Commonwealth Club


Join me on Tuesday, November 6th at The Commonwealth Club for a fascinating program on Microsurgery. What is microsurgery?   Reconstruction of the mutilated hand, for example, restoring all fingers and thumbs with toe transplantation. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy can now preformed using only abdominal or thigh tissue, without the need for an implant. Facial… Read More

Suicide amongst Veterans


We all know that suicide amongst our Veterans and Active Duty Service men and women is high, but here are the troubling statistics from the VA Suicide Data Report. I think many of you know I have taught and worked with Veterans, and that my son is a Veteran, and this report makes me so… Read More

Connection and Health


I read a wonderful vision statement today about connection from Born to Belong.  It’s so true, isn’t it? Our connections are the ties that bind.   From birth humans have an innate need to belong. Connection is vital for mental and physical health. Most feel their connectedness with other humans but many also find… Read More

An interesting article on scientific research

Ascertaining the quality of research is so important if you’re trying to get to the root of something. This article offers an interesting take on this topic:  

Beth Greer at The Commonwealth Club


Please join me for a program I am chairing at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. It will be very informative and very useful. The event is on August 17th at 6:00 p.m. GOOD HEALTH STARTS IN YOUR HOME What if you could get healthy by simply changing your home environment? Every day, we’re exposed… Read More