
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives


(bil-doo ngz-roh-mahn)

It’s a noun. It generally ‘denotes the education, development and maturing of a young protagonist’ or ‘the moral and psychological growth of the main character.’

Today, I was at my computer weaving my time between fundraising for DirectionFive and editing the health programs based on the kid’s comments from the pilot programs when I began to get antsy. I can only sit in one place for so long before I have to cook or bake something, so today the sourdough starter was calling my name. Sourdough bread is rising after kneading for 17 minutes! It will rise the rest of the day and will be my dinner with a nice salad.

Reading someone else’s writing, generally improves my own and today I discovered McSweeney’s after reading about them in the New York Times this morning. It was all I could do to drag myself away from their web site. I love quirky senses of humor and sent the article about the literary terms of a serial killer to my sister Dorothy and daughter Kathryn-other’s who have quirky senses of humor. So now –after learning this word in the aforementioned article-it’s today’s favorite. The second definition is my favorite because we can begin maturing at any age; a fact I know personally.

Health is about the physical– eating well, drinking enough water and exercising– but it’s also about growing and learning. I would not be physically healthy if I remained stagnant for long. My brain has to learn. New people to meet and places to see keep the juices flowing and makes life interesting.

Back to writing only this time the house smells like sourdough. Wonderful.


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