An easy and delicious Quiche Recipe

This is such a simple recipe! It’s a wonderful dish for any meal. With breakfast serve with a fruit salad, for dinner serve with a green salad. Quiche Line a 9″ pie pan with your favorite pie crust. Do not bake. Preheat oven to 425 degrees with the rack in the center of the oven.… Read More
Corn, Corn, Everywhere!

Possible Corn derived food ingredient: This list is not all inclusive of ingredients to avoid. Tip offs can be the generic use of ingredients without specifying their nature, for example: “natural” flavor, vegetable (which vegetable?), starch (which starch?), syrup, and so on. Be aware that most corn is genetically modified (GM or GMO) and I… Read More
Another Birthday, Books and Cobbler

Another Birthday, Books and Cobbler I love birthdays and have another in a few days. I don’t take birthdays or breaths for granted and each year my goal is to end that birth year wiser than I began it. For me wisdom comes from creating a textured life with experiences and lessons from which I… Read More
Excel at your job and be home for dinner!
I am co-chair of the Health and Medicine Member-Led Forum at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. Next month I’m chairing a program that will give us all some great tips on how to, as the author told me, excel at your job and be home for dinner! Join me!