
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

What do these 3 Dresses have in common?

Well, they are all size 8. They are mine they are just three of my best 6 dresses that don’t fit!!!

So, how did this happen? Slowly…

I know how to eat and when to eat. I know the foods that agree with me and the food and drink that my body doesn’t like. I am very in-tuned to all the signals my body is telling me, but I have metaphorically been holding my hands over my ears and singing loudly…

I can pinpoint the problems which I am now alleviating:

1) I’ve had a lot of stress lately and when I am really stressed as in life-changing stress, I’m not hungry and the weight falls off. The stress lately has been I’m burning the candle at both ends and I nit-pick eat. I generally don’t do that, but I know I have been lately.

2) Many companies send me samples of their products to try and yes, I try them! Growing up as one of six kids, we were taught not to waste food (although, thankfully, we weren’t made to ‘finish our plates’) so when I open a package of something to try it, somehow it all disappears. Not good. this is what family-friends/neighbors are for!

3) Wine. I do like a glass of wine at the end of the day, but it adds calories I don’t need and affects my sleep. Sleep affects everything!


I have an excellent diet and I drink plenty of water and I exercise everyday. I simply need to reduce my intake, which I am now doing.


In September’s Newsletter, you will see photos of me with these dresses on!!!!!


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