
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

Make it look appealing and they’ll be more likely to eat it.

A well-known nutritionist posted that perhaps kids don’t like plant-based foods because they are relatively nutrient-poor and contain less usable protein, compared to dairy, meat, and eggs. The point of the post was that kids are wasting veggies (put in the trash) because of the above reason, and linked to the below study while pointing… Read More

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Foodie Fridays on Vokle


I’m so excited about hosting my own ‘show’ on Vokle. My daughter Olivia will join me on April 8th for my first show, Foodie Friday. We’ll both be taking the same ingredients and making different dishes. We will tell you what we did and share fun stories. You can call in live to ask questions.… Read More

Telomeres (long or short?) and Stress

Telomeres (pronounced Teel-oh-meers) are the caps on the end of chromosomes, which, along with the enzyme telomerase, protect our DNA and are a marker of biological aging. Think of them like the little caps on the end of your shoelaces; they protect from fraying. Longer telomeres are more protective and what we strive for. Many… Read More

Would you like to go on a hike with me?


I have exercised my entire life and can’t imagine not. My choice has always been something outside-never been much of a gym-gal. I run and walk and hike. I am currently in the gorgeous Applegate Valley in Southern Oregon writing the health programs for Shine The Light On Kids and hiking trails are everywhere. My… Read More
