Today is Day 7 of my Cleanse. The last time I posted about my Cleanse was the evening of Day 2 and I was a little cocky-no symptoms, I’m so clean, etc….Well the next morning I woke up with a headache and I really don’t like headaches.
I almost took an aspirin, but held back. I drank a lot of water and went for a nice long walk with my doggie, Wilma. By noon the headache was gone. What it did is remind me that I did need to Cleanse. My body had been giving me signals for a while and I’m glad I finally listened.
The next days were good. I have created some really great recipes using my Vitamix. The Vitamix is a really powerful blender, so you get pulp and all, which is my favorite. This, however, gives you smoothies and not juice. Granted, I only use vegetables and some fruit, but the pulp slows down the absorption of the nutrients. That’s generally fine with me as I like the dietary fiber from the pulp.
I also have a Champion Juicer, which spits out the pulp therefore creates juice and an Omega Juicer, which does the same.
Today I decided to let my Vitamix rest and use the Omega Juicer. The rotation is so slow that it does not create any heat at all, which is a good thing! Heat can damage nutrients.
The only thing about this type of juicer and throwing away all that pulp-it pains me! So I don’t…I placed the pulp in a saucepan covered with cold water and let it simmer for a bit for stock. You could also freeze it to make stock later, or add it to your next muffin recipe. I can think of many uses for it, but for now, I won’t think about that. I will continue with my Cleanse and feeling really good!