
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

Day 3 and ENews coming soon

Hello all:

I haven’t sent my monthly ENews since June as we were redesigning the web site. So now, it’s live and although we are still working through some changes, ENews will go out either this week or early next week. If you want my (generally) once a month posts, please just ‘subscribe’; it’s on the Home page and have your friends do the same.

Here is the menu from yesterday, which as Day 3:

Breakfast: 2 cups zucchini, 2 fried eggs in 1 Tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 cup salsa -349 calories total
Lunch: 4 olives (did you know that 4 olives are 68 calories!) 1 apple, 1 carrot, 1 stalk celery-157 calories total
Dinner: 1 Cajun sausage (purchased at the Farmer’s Market from a local ranch) 1 red pepper, 1/2 cup onion, 4 cloves garlic-461 total calories
Drinks: Tea, Tizane Hibiscus tea, beer -233 calories total

Exercise: 10 mile bike ride, dancing/walking/jogging through the vineyard for an hour

I’m feeling good, by the way. My calorie count being less than 1,500 calories per day, is a bit low for someone who exercises like I do, but with all the filling veggies, and enough protein, it seems to be working for me. This may not for you, by the way. We are all different.

Have a great week!


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