
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

‘Patty James Health Blog’

Intuition, Fear, and Aging


Intuition is here to keep us safe. Gut instinct-that feeling that something is wrong. I have found that I should listen to that nagging or sometimes immediate feeling that something is wrong. Fear is something else. Fear could mean someone coming towards you in a dark alley with a knife in his/her hand-that’s fear and… Read More

Open Wounds and Ulcers

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Open Wounds and Ulcers Open wounds and ulcers are serious concerns, especially for the elderly. It’s important to understand the differences as well as treatment and management options. Open Wounds An open wound is an injury involving a break in body tissue, usually involving the skin. There are five types of open wounds: Abrasion: An abrasion occurs… Read More

Kid’s Health


DirectionFive is a culinary and nutrition program for kids, whose mission is to improve the health of kids so they can lead healthier, happier, more productive lives. We just completed an 8-day program at Sonoma Academy, and in that amount of time, we can really make a difference. They learn macro and micronutrients, they learn… Read More

2015 Dietary Guidelines


It’s a 574 document worth reading. If you know that’s not going to happen, here are some key points. Remember, everyone’s key points can be different based on their interest. Conclusions: Shortfall of nutrients: Vitamins A, D, E, C, folate, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and potassium. Of these, public health concerns are the shortfall of vitamins… Read More

Fermented Foods and Fire Cider


Fermented foods contain bacteria that are good for your gut. Our guts contain both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria, and consuming fermented foods adds health-supporting good bacteria to your gut. Eat raw sauerkraut, Kim Chee, and if appropriate for you plain yogurt or Keifer. Fire Cider is a drink you sip, especially in the cold-weather months… Read More