
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

‘Patty James Health Blog’

Summer Eating

Hello everyone! This is an article I wrote that made the publishing rounds. I hope you enjoy it! More recipes will be on this new web site soon; check back on the Patty’s Kitchen soon! Summer Eating The warm months of summer offers us cooling foods with high water content for hydration such as peaches,… Read More

New friends


Hi all: I love it when I have comments submitted from people I didn’t know-before they made their comment! I realize that sometimes I write about nothing in particular and sometimes the posts can be pretty personal, but so be it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but when you just tell about all your missteps,… Read More

End of life party

Most times we don’t get to attend our own end of life parties, because they’re called funerals Yesterday I did attend such a party, but the honoree was there. This is a man, almost 60 years-old, who has cancer, everywhere, and his doctor told him that he has perhaps 6 months to live. My friend… Read More

What’s for lunch?

Jim is the director of The Boy's and Girl's Club in South Chicago

Here is an article I wrote recently that might be helpful for parents for this new school year… What’s for Lunch? Nearly one-third of our children are either overweight or obese and the sad fact that this generation is the first not to have the life expectancy of their parents is part and parcel to… Read More

Creating balance

We all know we need balance in our lives; all areas of our lives. What we eat and drink needs to be balanced. For me that means eating healthy food the majority of the time and limiting my glasses of wine. I’m good at this. Exercise needs to be a combination of cardio, stretching and… Read More