
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

‘Other Aspects of Health’

The Lessons of Coronavirus: Moving Forward


The Lessons of Coronavirus Moving forward… I’m sure by now everyone knows that the vast majority of those with coronavirus had an underlying health conditions; i.e., high blood pressure, obesity, and more. We won’t know all the statistics until this is behind us. My hope is that people give their health due consideration moving forward.… Read More

Labels, Labels Everywhere.


So many labels: Paleo, Keto, Empath, Democratic, Republican, Optimist, Nerd. On and on. Why do we feel the need to label ourselves, to place ourselves into groups/tribes? Sometimes it might be that we’ve found a group of people who are like us, who understand us, and we feel like we’re home with a family, our… Read More

Seduction and Satiety


Catchy title, I know, but it did get your attention. I am proud to chair this program at The Commonwealth Club on July 18th at 6:00 p.m. Stephan Guyenet is a Researcher; Science Consultant; Science Communicator; Author, The Hungry Brain; Founder and Director, Red Pen Reviews. As you can imagine the program will be very interesting… Read More

A Microscope called The Flamingo


As many of you know I have been co-chair of The Health and Medicine Forum at the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco for 10 years now. It has afforded me the opportunity to meet such amazing people and hear cutting edge programs. On August 27th, Jan Huiskin from The Morgridge Institute is part of… Read More