
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

‘Other Aspects of Health’

Information on Food Waste


What if we all did this? 72 billion pounds of food goes to waste each year- a staggering $218 billion- while 50 million people go hungry. Did you know that almost half of all fresh produce is thrown away? 20 billion pounds of vegetables and fruits are plowed under or discarded. Think about how much… Read More

Interviewing Mark Bittman


I’m really looking forward to interviewing Mark Bittman for The Commonwealth Club on March 24th. It should be very interesting. Join me! A century ago, food was industrialized. Since then, new styles of agriculture and food production have written a new chapter of human history, one that’s driving both climate change and global health crises.… Read More

Gary Taubes at The Commonwealth Club

Case for Keto, cover.

I am proud to chair and moderate this important program at The Commonwealth Club on March 2nd. Based on 20 years of investigative reporting and interviews with 100 practicing physicians who embrace the keto lifestyle as the best prescription for their patients’ health, Gary Taubes puts the ketogenic diet movement in the necessary historical and… Read More

The New Normal


We have a unique opportunity to create a new normal on so many fronts. What have we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic? These aren’t blue-sky ideas, we know how the Earth can heal when humans step back. We know that our health affects outcomes in times of pandemic. We now have a deeper understanding of… Read More