Make it look appealing and they’ll be more likely to eat it.

A well-known nutritionist posted that perhaps kids don’t like plant-based foods because they are relatively nutrient-poor and contain less usable protein, compared to dairy, meat, and eggs. The point of the post was that kids are wasting veggies (put in the trash) because of the above reason, and linked to the below study while pointing… Read More
Incredible Program! Dr. Lustig AND Dr. Avena

I am chair of the Nutrition, Food, and Wellness Member-Led Forum at The Commonwealth in San Francisco. The Commonwealth Club is a 120 year-old public forum and I proud to have been involved for 16 years. The program that I am chairing is with Dr. Nicole Avena and Dr. Robert Lustig, two incredible scientists who… Read More
Dr. Akil Palanisamy: Tiger Protocol

Dr. Akil Palanisamy will be speaking at The Commonwealth Club on July 26th at 5:30. https://tinyurl.com/ytav4j4r M.D., Department Chair for Integrative Medicine, Sutter Health Institute for Health and Healing; Author, The T.I.G.E.R. Protocol: An Integrative, 5-Step Program to Treat and Heal Your Autoimmunity and The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse… Read More
My friend, Dr. Nicole Avena’s latest article

I have known Dr. Avena since 2009-time flies! This is her latest article on Infertility in Psychology Today. Why Aren’t We Talking About Infertility? One in five women is unable to get pregnant within the first year of trying. KEY POINTS Infertility has been a taboo topic, but our generation is breaking the silence. There… Read More