
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives


One of my favorite things


As I believe many if not most of you know, I am the Chief Innovation Officer at Foogal. My position at Foogal is in essence what I have been doing for 25 years. Research, writing, developing protocols for health concerns, developing recipes, and so much more! What I miss is teaching folks how to cook–adults… Read More

Traditional Diets


Mediterranean and other Traditional Diets The Mediterranean diet is the most well-known traditional diet, but there are 22 countries in the Mediterranean region so a one size fits all in this category is a misnomer. Each country along the Mediterranean Sea boasts a different diet, religion, and culture. For the most part the Mediterranean diet… Read More

No One Wants Their Food Medicalized


No One Wants Their Food Medicalized. …and two suggestions for the new year Preamble I am in the nutrition world, and my friend is in the policy world focusing on aspects of health, which makes for interesting conversations. On our call yesterday, we caught up on personal things—family, friends, upcoming holidays, plans for the new… Read More

Gary Taubes at The Commonwealth Club

Case for Keto, cover.

I am proud to chair and moderate this important program at The Commonwealth Club on March 2nd. Based on 20 years of investigative reporting and interviews with 100 practicing physicians who embrace the keto lifestyle as the best prescription for their patients’ health, Gary Taubes puts the ketogenic diet movement in the necessary historical and… Read More