Dr. Robert Lustig at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco

I am co-chair of the Health and Medicine Member-Led Forum at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. This month I’m proud to announce that I am chairing a program and Dr. Robert Lustig is the speaker. You know him from his YouTube video warning everyone about the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or perhaps… Read More
My work with GPDB-a story…

Rod Smith, the founder and CEO of The Green PolkaDot Box (GPDB) called me out of the blue almost 6 years ago. I was not in great shape at that time, being in the thick of some major life changes that I didn’t see coming, and I’m afraid I talked his ears off, as I… Read More
Summer time and the meal preparation is easy….
O.K., so those are not quite the lyrics to the song-but it’s true! It’s hot, we don’t want to turn on the oven at all, and the stove as little as possible. Here are some tips and recipes that might help you this summer. Summer Eating The warm months of summer offers us cooling foods… Read More
Some of my favorite Salad Dressings

I love salads and eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Salad recipes are another post-this one is about salad dressings. They are so easy to make with no preservatives and other ingredients you don’t want or need. This one happens to be my go-to dressing as of late. I make it a little differently… Read More