I am chair of the Nutrition, Food, and Wellness Member-Led Forum at The Commonwealth in San Francisco. The Commonwealth Club is a 120 year-old public forum and I proud to have been involved for 16 years. The program that I am chairing is with Dr. Nicole Avena and Dr. Robert Lustig, two incredible scientists who have a focus on sugar/sweeteners and nutrition.
They will begin with a brief history of the evolution of sugar in our food environment and move on to where we are today regarding types of sugar and sweeteners, as well as the pervasiveness of these in our food supply. Questions explored will include: How do various types of sugar and sweeteners affect your brain and body systems? Is moderation possible when evidence suggests sugar may be “addictive”? What are the options if you want something sweet? You will have an opportunity to ask questions and will gain valuable insights to help you understand sugar and reduce your intake if need be.
It will sell out, so you should purchase your tickets soon. It’s not often we get these two in the same room!