
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

‘Patty James Health Blog’

8 new dietary fibers….sort of.


Well, they’re not new, but they are now recognized as beneficial by the FDA. Here is the Press Release from the FDA with links so you can get the entire list and educate yourself. Dietary fiber is a big key to good health.

Gary Taubes at Bauman College

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I am a Board Member at Bauman College and I’m pleased to have been involved with creating our Distinguished Speaker Series. Next up is Gary Taubes. Here is the link to purchase tickets. I’ll see you there! Gary Taubes is an investigative science and health journalist and co-founder of the non-profit organization, Nutrition Science Initiative.… Read More



Being a creative, high-strung sort, meditation is something that I have always thought was for others. I have set up little alters with flowers and feathers and incense and a pretty pillow to sit on, purple or deep red being preferable, and tried to call forth a still mind. If anyone was watching I probably… Read More

An interesting article on scientific research

Ascertaining the quality of research is so important if you’re trying to get to the root of something. This article offers an interesting take on this topic:  

Stress Eating and Stress Non-Eating


Stress Eating and Stress Non-Eating You just lost a loved one to cancer, your job was ‘downsized,’ finances are a mess, your teenager is in trouble, you are taking care of an elderly parent and the aforementioned teenager? …Anything else you can think of that is causing significant stress? You find yourself with a spoon… Read More