
Healthy Kitchens Healthy Lives

Author Archive

2011 for Shine The Light

This is the year where everything will come together for Shine The Light. The data from the kids themselves has been collected and said data was analyzed by Sonoma State and is now an incredible report. I am in process of writing all five health programs based on what the kids said they wanted and/or… Read More


Sometimes when I think about my life, it’s incredible even to me. I’m sure you could all say the same thing. We all go through so much and keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. It’s our intent and attitude that is so important and gets us through- that and… Read More

Obesity in America and other Countries

This was a fascinating article to write. It takes me way too long to write an article because I find myself drawn into the research…I hope you find this upsetting enough to do something about it starting with yourself and your family.If you’re all fit and healthy-good for you!-then help someone else. Obesity is excessive… Read More

Eye on the Bay interview

This Sunday, December 19th, I will be on Eye on the Bay with Susan Sikora on channel 12, the CW. 8:00 a.m. Also on is the Rev. Cecil Williams and his wife Janice Mirikitani. They are really incredible…