Late Summer Cleanse

I am a big believer that yearly Cleansing is very good for your continued good health. I’ll be leading a Cleanse in September and I hope you’ll join us. You’ll be well-supported before, during and after! The Webinars are recorded so you can watch again and you’ll receive a very nice E-Notebook full of great… Read More

They always polish their shoes. Clean shoes are a theme. I now rub my shoes a little with a wet towel before I show up so I don’t feel like such a slob, shoe-wise. They walk quietly. I have been sneaked up on a lot….(all in good fun). Of course in a war zone you… Read More
Summer Harvest

The warm months of summer offers us cooling foods with high water content for hydration such as peaches, melons, tomatoes and cucumbers, just to name a few. Depending on where you live, the August choices can vary. In hotter climates spinach and cilantro might have already bolted, but in cooler climates they are at their… Read More
The Six Essential Steps

This article that I wrote was published in PsychCentral a few years ago. If your life has changed suddenly, this might be helpful to you. What To Do When Life Falls Apart: The Essential Six -Step Program What constitutes life falling apart? The death of a beloved spouse or family member? A marriage or… Read More