I have spent the last week in Boston and Cape Cod and oh my was it a whirlwind! The history, the walks, the new countryside, the new friends- all in all it was a fantastic week. The last day there I decided to stay at home (home while there was at my friends Karen and Marco’s home) and relax.
As it turns out, being calm and quiet was very important. I have known for a while that I needed to work on calming my mind and not letting my thoughts run amok, like they’re prone to do. I read a wonderful book while there that really spoke to me and read it again on the plane home. It was exactly what I needed to crystallize some thoughts that have been rummaging around in my head.
The book is The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
I already practice some of what he speaks about in the book. Every day-without exception-before I open my eyes, I say ‘thank you for allowing me to be here another day and how may I serve?’ It sets my intention. He goes far beyond this and it was exactly what I needed. There is much talk about synchronicity after you set your intentions and I have already had several things happen that could only be chocked up to setting my intentions and feeling those intentions. I slept better than I have for a long time, my mind is calmer -neither one of those is a small feat in my world. If anyone reads it and wants to get together for tea to discuss it, just let me know. My experiences have been pretty amazing. I must have been ready for the lessons.
What’s the saying? …”When the student is ready, the teacher appears?