We have a unique opportunity to create a new normal on so many fronts. What have we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic? These aren’t blue-sky ideas, we know how the Earth can heal when humans step back. We know that our health affects outcomes in times of pandemic. We now have a deeper understanding of the value of our teachers and health care workers. Let’s not let these lessons pass us by. I don’t profess to be an expert of any of these areas except health, but I am very sure people are working hard in all areas. Having the information de-siloed will be invaluable.
Health: Prevention needs to be front and center. Let’ start with children, because it all starts with them after all. Educate parents as to how to raise healthy children without preaching or dogma. This information- for all, not just those with children-needs to be financially and culturally relevant. Let’s focus on the basics: simple meals that can be prepared for a reasonable price. Education and information is key. Serve this for dinner, this is why, and this is where you can find the ingredients close to where you live.
Our Food System: We have watched farmers pour thousands of gallons of milk down the drain and have seen piles of food rotting in the fields, while millions of people are hungry. Those in this world are busy now, I’m quite sure, working on solutions.
Environment: The Earth can heal. The whole world sees this happening in real-time. Leaders across the globe have an opportunity to put World-Goals in place. The Paris Agreement now has much to work with, information and results-wise.
Education: Teachers are now being truly appreciated for their work in the world educating our children and young adults.
The ‘Health’ System: From PPE’s for health care workers to insurance company coverage’s and payments, to hospitals, this is a big topic. So many people are working on this, and it is a huge challenge. I thank the folks who are tackling this one.
Yes, world leaders have a responsibility to look at all aspects of this pandemic and work together to make change. That said true change begins with all of us. Next time there is a local election that involves local education, give it the time it deserves. Perhaps ride your bike more if you can or take public transportation. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Choose to put you and your family’s health as a top priority. There are many people, like myself, who are in this world to help people obtain or maintain their good health.
I am hopeful that working together, we can create a healthier world on so many fronts. It’s a very exciting time.